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National Teacher's Day

Today is National Teachers Day! At the Diocese of Palm Beach, Office of Catholic Schools we appreciate all of our teachers for their hard work educating our students and love how they express their dedication to our Catholic faith in Jesus Christ. They shine for everyone to see! They are our "Keepers of the Flame." Thank you.

Consider showing your gratitude for your teacher this week for all of the blessing they bring to your life!

Here are some activity ideas to give back to your teachers from

  1. Refill classroom supplies. Many teachers stock their classrooms with the supplies they need to effectively teach. However, many teacher buy supplies out of their own pockets. Replenishing crayons, pencils, or construction paper is a small token of appreciation for a teacher.
  2. Write a letter showing your support for your child's favorite teacher. Kind words are a small way to encourage a teacher by reminding them the impact they are making in the lives of students.
  3. Volunteering at your school is a way to give teachers a much needed break. Every day, schools rely on parent support for many programs to succeed. For instance, volunteering to be a cross-walker before and after school or a playground monitor relieves a teacher from those duties.

Please enjoy this little video in celebration of our teachers!

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Office of Catholic Schools
